Discovering the Ideal Diamond Carat Size for Your Stunning Engagement Ring

Ideal Diamond Carat Size for Your Stunning Engagement Ring

Deciding on the right diamond carat size for your engagement ring is a crucial decision in the process, as this will ultimately determine the appearance and the price of the diamond. As one of the Four Cs of diamond grading, carat size plays an important role in determining the overall beauty and value of the stone. To understand the influence of carat size on a given diamond, let’s dive into what diamond carat size really is!

Understanding Diamond Carat Size

Diamond carat size is a unit of measurement that describes the weight of a diamond. Together with the cut, colour, and clarity, carat size is a key determinant of diamond value and appearance.

A carat size refers to the weight of a diamond, rather than the physical size of a diamond, such as diameter or length. Keep in mind that two diamonds of the same carat size can still be differently sized physically. For example, a diamond of high-quality cut can seem larger than a diamond of average cut since a high-quality cut diamond would be better at reflecting light and creating brilliance.

Budget Considerations

As carat size increases, the price tag of the diamond can increase, too! This trend is not linear–a diamond of twice the carat size may cost much more than just twice as much as a diamond of a given carat size.

It is important to consider the other aspects of a diamond in determining your budget. Not only carat size, but cut, clarity, and colour can also determine the appearance and value of your diamond.

When it comes to diamond rings, Michael Trio rings are the perfect balance of price, quality, and durability.

Balancing Carat Size with Cut, Clarity, and Color

When it comes to the Four Cs of diamond grading, it is important to consider them together in order for you to make an informed decision because of the way the Four Cs interact with each other.


While a high carat size can be appealing, the influence on price can mean a large increase in price; meanwhile, a lower carat diamond with a superior cut could result in a diamond of similar, or even greater brilliance.
This is just one example of a budget-friendly diamond that might have low carat size, but other outstanding qualities.


Also carefully consider the importance of colour to you as a customer. If purchasing a fancy coloured diamond, you can expect a wide variety of different shades and hues, ranging from light pinks to deep reds, depending on the shade you like. With colourless diamonds, diamonds can range from yellowish to clear white.


When it comes to clarity, there are two categories of imperfections: internal (“inclusions”) and external (“blemishes”). The price of a diamond can further be influenced depending on the presence of inclusions or blemishes. However, having inclusions or blemishes is not necessarily a bad thing. Some imperfections can only be seen under a microscope but not by the naked eye; and even when visible, some imperfections can be seen as natural features that make a specific diamond unique!

Choosing Carat Size for Different Ring Styles

It is also important to consider your chosen ring style when selecting a carat size. Certain ring styles may go well with low carat sizes, such as the halo setting, in which a ring of smaller accent diamonds help to make the centre diamond appear larger. While large carat diamonds can of course benefit from this, it is also a great way to make a budget work by picking up a lower carat diamond with other, better qualities.

Some settings are also versatile and work with various carat sizes, such as the classic solitaire setting.

Making the Most Of Your Diamond

To get the most shine out of your diamond, here are some quick tips you can apply to really get your sparkle going:

  • Think about band size in relation to your hands. Thinner bands go great with smaller hands, and the opposite is also true: Thicker bands for bigger hands. Conversely, if the band is too small for the hand, it can appear awkward. Too large, and it is unwearable!
  • If you are the type of person to use your hands often, then a more secure setting like the classic solitaire may be for you. Settings like classic solitaire are versatile and secure, keeping your gemstone squarely in place as you go about your work.
  • If you want a bigger diamond but the purchase puts you over budget, consider a smaller diamond with a cut that gives it a wider surface area. This makes the diamond look bigger than diamonds of the same carat size!

Today, it is easier than ever to shop for your dream ring–when you shop for your dream ring at Michael Trio, you can use your phone to browse through catalogues online! You can even view three-dimensional versions of diamonds online, allowing you to see what a diamond might look like in real life without needing to hold it in your hands.

Customisation and Expert Advice

One of the most enjoyable and fulfilling aspects of creating your ideal engagement ring is the amount of customisation you can have in the process. However, too many options and too many decisions can also be overwhelming! In that case, it is also perfectly acceptable to approach an expert for their suggestions and advice.

When booking an appointment with Michael Trio’s diamond experts, one-on-one consultations can help you see how a specific diamond ring will look on your finger before you make a decision.

Ethical and Certified Diamonds

Ethical diamonds are also known as conflict-free or ethically sourced diamonds, which have been verified to have been mined, obtained, and traded in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. Due to the high value of diamonds, the industry has raised some ethical issues in diamond-producing regions, which can be a cause of concern for some customers.

Certified diamonds are diamonds that have undergone a thorough evaluation process by a recognized gemological authority, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the International Gemological Institute (IGI). Diamonds which receive certification can be trusted to be quality, authentic diamonds according to the Four Cs. As an extended service to customers, Michael Trio offers diamond certification, validating the authenticity and quality of a diamond according to globally accepted standards.

Choosing Your Dream Diamond Engagement Ring

As one of the Four Cs of diamond grading, the right carat size can determine many important aspects of your diamond, including its price and appearance, enabling you to get the most value for your money. Although the possibilities are endless when customising your diamond ring, it is also important to take into account your personal preferences, budget, and local design trends when deciding on your purchase. This way, you can get as close as possible to your dream ring.

Whether you prioritise carat size, cut, clarity, colour, or certification, learning as much as possible about your options enables you to make an informed decision. That, in turn, ensures that your ideal engagement ring becomes a lasting symbol of your love and commitment for your future spouse!
